

Attends Deoplus is a rectangular pad which can be used with a washable pouch pant or as a booster pad for additional absorbency or faecal smearing.

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Attends Deoplus is an insert that can be used as a booster pad for additional absorbency. The product has a nonwoven back sheet which allows the urine to pass through into the core of the primary pad when the product is used as a booster pad. Deoplus has a superabsorbent core for extra leakage protection and odour protection.
  • Rectangular pads without a waterproof backsheet
  • Can be used as a booster pad for additional absorbency
  • The nonwoven back sheet allows liquid to pass through to the primary pad
  • The core improves leakage prevention and odour protection.
  • Nonwoven back sheet allows the urine to pass through into the core of the primary pad when used as a booster pad.
  • Superabsorbent core for improved leakage protection, skin dryness and odour protection
  • Natural Odour Protection reduces the risk of unpleasant smell

Produktens teknologier och dess fördelar

Odour Protection
Odour Protection

Odour Protection

Superabsorbenter är en del av materialet i skyddets kärna som kapslar in urinen och därmed bort från ytan och huden. Ju mer effektivt urinen stängs in i skyddet, desto mindre risk för läckage och att det bildas ammoniak. Ammoniak bildas när urin kommer i kontakt med syre och orsakar en otrevlig lukt. Attends produkter innehåller inga parfymer eller andra tillsatser för att dölja lukt.

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